
Wellness Exams

Pets need regular check-ups too.

vet checking a corgi dog

Quality Care for Your Pets in Tamarac, FL

Welcome to 4 Pets Animal Clinic, where we believe every pet deserves the best care possible. Our experienced team of veterinarians and support staff is dedicated to providing pet parents in Coral Springs with the highest quality of care. One of the essential services we offer is our Wellness Exams.

The Importance of Wellness Exams for Your Pet

Just like humans, pets need regular check-ups to maintain their health. At 4 Pets Animal Clinic, we recommend that your pet receives a Wellness Exam at least once a year. These exams are essential for detecting potential health issues early on, allowing us to treat them before they become more serious. They also allow us to discuss any concerns you may have about your pet's health and offer guidance on keeping your pet healthy between visits.

What to Expect During a Wellness Exam

During a Wellness Exam, our veterinarians will perform a thorough physical examination of your pet. We will check their eyes, ears, nose, mouth, skin, and coat, as well as their heart, lungs, and other vital organs. We may also recommend diagnostic tests, such as blood work or X-rays, to ensure we have a complete picture of your pet's health. Our team will review the results with you and recommend any necessary treatments or preventative care.
A 4 Pets Animal Hospital veterinarian serving Tamarac, Coral Springs, North Lauderdale, and surrounding Florida areas performs a pet wellness exam on a bulldog.

The Importance of Wellness Exams for Your Pet

Just like humans, pets need regular check-ups to maintain their health. At 4 Pets Animal Clinic, we recommend that your pet receives a Wellness Exam at least once a year. These exams are essential for detecting potential health issues early on, allowing us to treat them before they become more serious. They also allow us to discuss any concerns you may have about your pet's health and offer guidance on keeping your pet healthy between visits.

What to Expect During a Wellness Exam

During a Wellness Exam, our veterinarians will perform a thorough physical examination of your pet. We will check their eyes, ears, nose, mouth, skin, and coat, as well as their heart, lungs, and other vital organs. We may also recommend diagnostic tests, such as blood work or X-rays, to ensure we have a complete picture of your pet's health. Our team will review the results with you and recommend any necessary treatments or preventative care.
bulldog puppy being checked by a veterinarian

Schedule Your Pet's Next Wellness Exam Today

We understand that your pet is an important family member and are committed to providing the best possible care. Contact us today to schedule your pet's next Wellness Exam and take the first step toward keeping your furry friend healthy and happy for years.

Compassionate Care at 4 Pets Animal Clinic, Tamarac, FL

At 4 Pets Animal Clinic, we believe every pet deserves the best care possible. That's why we offer a wide range of services, including wellness exams, vaccinations, microchipping, spay and neuter procedures, soft tissue and orthopedic surgeries, dental care, in-house diagnostic laboratory testing, allergy testing, and ultrasound.
Serving Tamarac, Margate, Coral Springs, North Lauderdale, Lauderhill, Plantation, Parkland, Sunrise, and Coconut Creek. Florida, we have everything your pet needs to stay healthy and happy.
gray striped cat in the garden
4 pets animal clinic logo

Contact Information

(754) 205-5572
Monday - Friday: 9am - 6:30pm
Wednesday: Surgeries Only
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Visit Us!

8295 N Pine Island Road, Tamarac FL 33321